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The right to protest to the Appraisal Review Board is the most important right you have as a taxpayer

Our services

Property Tax Consulting

Our main goal is to lessen your property tax burden by lowering your assessed value:

(Assessed Value) x (tax rate) = Property tax due

(Lower Assessed Value) x (tax rate) = Lower Property tax due

Initial Property Tax Consultation and Evaluation

A brief initial consultation – typically over the phone – will give us insight as to what typeS of accounts you have. Whether Commercial, Residential homestead, Residential investments, BPP or Land, each account will have its own unique circumstances that will need to be considered and evaluated.

Property Value Analysis and Determination

Real estate and business personal property values are comprised of many factors, some of which are intrinsic to the property itself.

Our consultants analyze all factors contributing to each property's value, some of which would include the income produced by the property, the property's physical condition, and current market conditions.

Our detailed analysis will allow us to determine if your current assessment is too high, too low (believe it or not!) or pretty much right on.

We will make our recommendation to you based on our findings. In most cases, we will recommend an appeal of the value. In rare cases, when the property seems undervalued, we may advise that you accept the proposed value and allow us to monitor it annually to ensure it remains in line.

Filing of Property Assessment Appeals and Renditions

If a protest of value is in order, you’ve come to the right place. Our property tax experts specialize in appealing property tax assessments! We will file the protest for you!

Informal Review:

Many times a protest can be resolved with a staff member of the Appraisal District in an informal manner without going to the ARB for a formal hearing.

Appraisal Review Board (ARB)

If not able to resolve the protest informally with an appraiser, the protest will be heard by the Appraisal Review Board (ARB). The ARB is a group of citizens who are authorized to resolve disputes between Appraisal Districts and taxpayers. A hearing before the ARB is conducted very much like a court case, although less formal.

After a decision is made by the ARB panel and approved by a quorum of the entire Board, a written Notice of Final Order is issued. This decision is binding for the current tax year unless you file under binding arbitration or appeal to District Court.

District Court/Binding Arbitration

If you are dissatisfied with the ARB's decision, you have the right to appeal its decision. Timing is critical. Please contact our office for specifics on these actions.

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